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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Why Choose Year Home Free Internet Domain Name ???

As the number of Internet users around the world, the domain name will be expanded. Start may appear years or even hundreds of thousands of new domain name in addition. Com,. Net,. Org, and domain names that already exist at this time.

For, the organization that manages Internet domain world, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has approved a new naming loose. ICANN decided to give freedom to use a combination of 64 characters as a domain name. In addition, ICANN also decided to exempt the use of non-Latin characters, such as Chinese characters, Russia, or Israel.

Guide new election allows a new domain more flexible and easy. For example, can use. Nyc for New York or even.
Berlin to Berlin City. May also. The name of the bank to bank. Even possible to use the domain name that is very personal, such as intel.inside if interested.

However, the names of the new domain will be released starting next year. ICANN still must determine the cost of registration of each domain name. The target gain 100,000 U.S. dollars for each new domain so that it can cover its annual operational cost of reaching 20 million U.S. dollars. Implementation can be done after the new council members agreed at the start of ICANN in 2009. New domain-domain predicted start out mid 2009.

The decision was taken the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization that manages Internet domain names all at the meeting in Paris, France, which ended Thursday (26 / 6) ago.

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